Season 2 Ep 29: Omega Supreme Can Use Full Sentences?

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Pronunciation is fun and possibly fight starting, but the guys delve into that a bit and then the facts that their significant others ar embracing their vices. But wait ya'll, "The Secret of Omega Supreme" is on tap to give us a nice backstory to two...or seven of the most popular bots in the 40 years of Transformers. Will Omega use conjunctions? Will the Constructicons squirm? The guys explore one of the best season 2 episodes.If you'd like to contact the guys, they'd love to hear from you! on Twitter, check out the new youtube channel! you’d like to toss a buck or more per episode, we’d adore and say nice things about you. You don’t have to, as we’ll still gladly hang out with you guys and gals every week, but we appreciate any help!

Season 2 Ep 29: Omega Supreme Can Use Full Sentences?

Season 2 Ep 29: Omega Supreme Can Use Full Sentences?
Release Date
