Driven by Data

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Are you looking for great data? We got you covered with this data-heavy edition of the podcast. First, we’ll introduce you to the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World. Then our honorary GeoGeek will provide tips to finding imagery data.
0:00 – Introduction
2:00 – What’s Making Us Mappy
5:24 – Inside the Arc: ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World
15:56 – The GeoGeeks: Finding Imagery Data
25:40 – M versus M 
What's Making Us Mappy - Our hosts share one cool thing that is catching their eye in the world of ArcGIS
Maggie highlights a cool website she discovered. Your Name in Landsat is a fun way to discover amazing imagery from around the world. All you need to do is type in your name, and it spells out your name as Landsat satellite imagery. But please give Maggie more G imagery!
Mark delves into the developer world as he shares some information on the new ArcGIS Maps SDK for Flutter. Flutter is the hip open-source technology from Google that is taking the mobile app world by storm. The newest way to build cross-platform mapping native apps is currently in beta but will be in full release by the end of 2024. 
Inside the Arc - Feature interview that takes our audience inside an Esri product or capability
At the heart of a good GIS is great data. But finding authoritative data can be challenging.  Thankfully, Esri curates a library of the best geographic content from around the globe.  From boundaries to basemaps and everything in between, the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World provides data layers, maps and apps that are ready to use. To give us a tour of all the data you can discover in the ArcGIS Living Atlas, we welcome our tour guide Malena McCrossan.  She is the Data and Content Curator for the Living Atlas at Esri Canada.  
The GeoGeeks - Rotation of Esri Canada panelists share what's new in ArcGIS technology
We keep the data train rolling with a special honorary GeoGeek, but he’s no stranger to the pod. Jeff Petillion, our imagery guru at Esri Canada, returns to the podcast to drop some knowledge on how to find and procure imagery data. He offers up some great tips, from connecting to STAC imagery in ArcGIS Pro to third-party vendors that can provide quality high-resolution data. 
M versus M - Our hosts quiz each other about all things ArcGIS and GIS
Mark is back in control of the game show controls, and this time he has ArcGIS Pro layouts on his mind. In the inaugural game coined Is This a Thing, Mark quizzes Maggie about whether different functions are available when making a layout in ArcGIS Pro. Is a Magnetic North Arrow Left a thing? Play along to find out! 
For more information
Visit our website 
See our full interviews and GeoSnaps on the Esri Canada YouTube channel  
Stay up-to-speed on products and developments affecting you in our blog, Getting Technical  
Have a podcast idea? E-mail us at  
Maggie Samson, Product Specialist, ArcGIS Online at Esri Canada
Mark Ho, Technical Solutions Specialist at Esri Canada

Driven by Data

Driven by Data
Release Date
