DIY: Dreams, Dangers and the Magic of Making It Yourself

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If you’ve ever looked at a calculus equation as it relates to DIY audio and wondered just how the heck is that going to correlate with the sound signature you want to achieve, you’re not alone. Darren talks about his experiences going through school to get his Electrical Engineering degree (EE), in the hopes of convincing some that an application-focused approach to audio design is completely valid and appropriate, and can sometimes lead you to a better understanding of the big picture. Making audio equipment for yourself can result in unique rewards that aren’t possible when you’re simply buying cool gear, but the guys don’t pass up a chance to remind that it can also, sometimes, be a little dangerous. You have to keep your head on straight when you’re soldering new caps into a recently run amplifier, for instance, as Darren will attest. One of the beautiful things about DIY audio is giving yourself a chance to listen to products that would never see the light of day at a normal, successful audio manufacturer for the sheer impracticality of it, or the difficulty in producing it at a reasonable scale and scope. The guys round out the episode talking about their album pick of the week, which features a modern super group of sorts in the jazz department. Each member of this group gets a few moments of adoration as Darren and Duncan gush over this recent album full of intricate new fusion jazz.
 This podcast is powered by CommonGround Cables Whisper power cable. Read customer reviews and order your own at all of our album recommendations in one place, at

DIY: Dreams, Dangers and the Magic of Making It Yourself

DIY: Dreams, Dangers and the Magic of Making It Yourself
Release Date
