Which is Worse, Perimenopause or Menopause? | PYHP 114

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Patient Question: A patient in her later 40’s, who is having a tough time with perimenopausal symptoms, recently asked me which is worse, perimenopause or menopause?
Short Answer: After dealing with many patients over the years, it is clear that both Perimenopause and Menopause are difficult and the symptoms can have a significant impact on a women’s quality of life. However, there are better treatment options for menopause then for perimenopause.
PYHP 114 Full Transcript:
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Dr. Maki: Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us for another episode of the Progress Your Health Podcast. I’m Dr. Maki.
Dr. Davidson: And I’m Dr. Davidson.
Dr. Maki: So this morning, we’re just going to kind of sort of a question, but this was not actually one that someone answered on the website or wrote to us. This is actually from a patient that I recently saw. She’s 46, which is kind of a- I’m sure you would agree, it’s kind of like a very common age for our new patients. She’s kind of miserable at the moment, has a lot going on, and just does not feel very good. And she actually asked me the question because she hears horror stories about menopause, but she’s feeling pretty rotten right now. So she asked the question, “Which is worse, perimenopause or menopause?” So I thought that was a very nice way for us to do an episode around that.
Dr. Davidson: Exactly, because we see this all the time, you know, a lot of menopausal females, perimenopause. And sometimes, we kind of overlook a little bit of the differences between the two and how people feel because, you know, everyone’s different.
Dr. Maki: Yeah. Now, honestly, this is the reason why we’re doing the podcast in the first place, because when it comes to some of these female hormone issues in general whether it’s PMS, PCOS, perimenopause, menopause, the conventional treatments and approaches are just not very good. Women are kind of left to their own devices. They’re not really given a lot of options. We’ve kind of figured that out over the years, right? There’s this big gap in the problems that women are experiencing. Before, it used to be just, “Well, that’s just aging and you just have to deal with it.” I don’t think that’s really acceptable, really, in the 21st century.
Dr. Davidson: I think some people still hear that, you know, “It’s okay. That’s just getting older.”
Dr. Maki: Well, yeah. That’s easy for the practitioner to say when they’re not the o

Which is Worse, Perimenopause or Menopause? | PYHP 114

Which is Worse, Perimenopause or Menopause? | PYHP 114
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