How to Reduce PMS Symptoms Naturally? | PYHP 046

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This episode of the Progress Your Health Podcast is a continuation to a recent blog post: 7 Tips on How to Cope with PMS. Most women have some PMS symptoms, but there is certainly a spectrum of symptom severity. For one woman, it might just be mild bloating, but for another woman, her cramps are so bad that she has to miss work due to the pain.
Unfortunately, when you go see your primary care doctor, or even your Gynecologist, the only conventional treatment option is birth control and over the counter Midol. As we discuss in this episode, there a many things you can do to help reduce PMS symptoms.
If you break down the word, Premenstrual Syndrome, it refers to the collection of symptoms that tend to show up prior to menstruation. It is common for PMS symptoms to show up somewhere in the 7 to 10 days before your period. This is time frame usually between ovulation and menstruation.
As you might be aware, PMS symptoms can range from physical symptoms such as cramping and breast tenderness to emotional symptoms such as irritability and anxiety. Over the years, we have seen so many different types of PMS related symptoms. Some symptoms are obvious, but others can be less clear. If you seem to be having recurring symptoms every 2 to 3 weeks, it could easily be related to your cycle.
Below is a list of some of the more common PMS symptoms. 
Symptoms of PMS:

Sugar and carbohydrate cravings (especially refined processed carbs)
Weight fluctuations (due to water retention)
Gain weight easily during PMS, and then you have to work really hard to lose it
Acne: especially around the chin and jawline
Breakout on the neck, chest and upper back
Breast swelling and tenderness
Spotting 4-8 days before a period
Cramping can happen during the period or anywhere from 7-14 days before a period
Angry outbursts, patience is nonexistent
Trouble staying asleep
Low sex drive

How to Reduce PMS Symptoms Naturally? | PYHP 046

How to Reduce PMS Symptoms Naturally? | PYHP 046
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