Do I Have Adrenal Fatigue or PCOS? | PYHP 066

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In our last series of episodes, we talked about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
We have categorized PCOS into three types:


Classic has the majority of all the symptomatology that pertains to PCOS.
Common has some but not all of the symptoms of PCOS. 
Concealed PCOS is often missed. What we have found is that the Concealed type of PCOS has a lot of properties and similarities with adrenal fatigue.
In this episode, we are going to talk about the similarities between PCOS, and especially the Concealed type and Adrenal Fatigue. We are also going to explain the differences between PCOS and Adrenal Fatigue. 
Let’s differentiate between Concealed PCOS, Adrenal Fatigue:
Concealed PCOS:
As mentioned, the Concealed type of PCOS is not often picked up on. It is often mistaken for Adrenal Fatigue/Dysfunction. These are the women that have been to many doctors looking for answers. Their symptoms seem to develop or get worse when they hit their late 30's to early '40s. Because at this time, the female hormones can be changing due to perimenopause, and the body cannot maintain balance, so the PCOS and Adrenal Fatigue symptoms start manifesting. This is what you typically see in a
Concealed PCOS Symptoms: 

May have a child, so it looks like there are no fertility issues
Regular periods but might be more painful and cramping with terrible PMS
Anxiety and fatigue: feeling wired and tired at the same time
Thin Hair
Slender until mid 30's to early '40s. Then it feels like they gain weight overnight. Especially in the belly area. No matter what they do, eating less/exercise more, the weight doesn't budge.

What is Adrenal Fatigue?
This name can be misleading. We actually like the terminology, Adrenal Dysfunction. Because it is the dysfunctional activity of the adrenal glands that creates all the symptoms associated with Adrenal Fatigue.   
Let's explain a little more about Adrenal Dysfunction. Like we mentioned earlier, the adrenal glands are not fatigued per se. They are healthy tissue and healthy glands. It is the hormonal secretion and function of the adrenals glands which are degraded or dysfunctional. We have all heard about cortisol. Cortisol is essential for life. But secreted inappropriately, can cause a lot of symptoms, specifically ones of Adrenal Dysfunction. Cortisol is supposed to be highest in the morning and then will slowly drop and will be very low at night. This allows us to be awake in the morning and daytime, but able to sleep at night. In Adrenal Dysfunction, you will see what is called a Reverse Diurnal Curve of cortisol. Meaning the cortisol is low in the morning and can be especially low in the afternoon. This causes morning tiredness and afternoon crashes in energy. Then the

Do I Have Adrenal Fatigue or PCOS? | PYHP 066

Do I Have Adrenal Fatigue or PCOS? | PYHP 066
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