Episode 21: Saturn and Titan

Release Date:

Chris and Mr Max are back, enjoying dark skies, freshly cut grass and the splendours of Saturn. The pair find out why lunar conspiracy nuts should pay attention to Saturn's rings, invent a new paint colour and talk about Titan's methane rain, all while Not Barking at a lively 'guest'.

Galileo's drawing of Saturn is here: https://attic.gsfc.nasa.gov/huygensgcms/Shistory.htm
The glorious rings were imaged repeatedly by the Cassini probe: https://science.nasa.gov/mission/cassini/multimedia/hall-of-fame/?topics=rings

You can watch the descent of the Huygens probe through Titan's orange clouds here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msiLWxDayuA

..and the image of Buzz Aldrin on the Moon mentioned in the podcast is here: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Armstrong_heiligenschein.jpg

Episode 21: Saturn and Titan

Episode 21: Saturn and Titan
Release Date
