Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 2—Birth of Kāmadeva

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Sūta said, “O residents of Naimiṣa forest, after hearing Brahmā’s words, the excellent sage further requested him for more such stories that quell sins.” Nārada said, “O Brahmā, O great lord, though continuously hearing the auspicious story of Śiva from your lotus-face I am never satisfied. Please further narrate the auspicious story of Śiva entirely. I wish to hear that story in which Satī is glorified, O Brahmā. How was the auspicious Satī born of Dakṣa’s wife? How did Śiva become inclined to marry Her? How did She cast off Her body formerly, due to Her rage with Dakṣa? How was She born as the daughter of Himālaya and how did She reach heaven again? How was Her rigorous penance performed? How was Her marriage celebrated? How did She happen to share half the body of Śiva? Please explain all these points in detail, O intelligent one. There is none else to remove my doubts, and none shall ever be like you.”

Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 2—Birth of Kāmadeva

Rudra-saṁhitā, Satīkhaṇḍa 2—Birth of Kāmadeva
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