Māṇḍūkya Upaṇiṣad Kārikā 3.47—Highest Bliss

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“This highest bliss is based upon the realisation of Self; it is peace, identical with liberation, indescribable and unborn. It is further described as the omniscient Brahman, because it is one with the unborn Self, which is the object sought by realized knowledge.” —Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad Kārikā 3.47  
“This bliss, which is the highest Reality characterised by realization of Ātman, is centered in the Self. It is all peace, characterised by the cessation of all evils and suffering. It is the same as liberation. It is indescribable: nobody is able to describe it, for it is totally different from all objects. This ultimate bliss is directly realized by the perfect yogīs. It is unborn because it is not produced, like anything resulting from empirical perceptions. It is identical with the Unborn Self, which is the object sought by Knowledge (jñāna). The Knowers of Brahman describe this bliss verily as the omniscient Brahman, as it is identical with that Reality which is omniscient.”  — Śaṅkarācārya’s Commentary ơn Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad Kārikā 3.47

Māṇḍūkya Upaṇiṣad Kārikā 3.47—Highest Bliss

Māṇḍūkya Upaṇiṣad Kārikā 3.47—Highest Bliss
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