Ditching the One Size Diet Culture: Robb Wolf

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Why do diets have to be individualized? What are the myths around sodium? How much sodium do we need a day? Why do so many people fail at diets? Why does just drinking water not properly hydrate you? How does Covid impact sodium levels? How do altitude and cold weather impact our hydration? What is the connection between electrolytes and breast feeding? Thank you to our sponsors:Timeline Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at TimelineNutrition.com/ageist. LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at DrinkLMNT.com/AGEIST. InsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 20% off on all products at InsideTracker.com/AGEIST.Robb Wolf, former research biochemist, 2 time New York Times/Wall Street Journal Best-selling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired To Eat, and co-founder of LMNT Electrolytes, joins us on the podcast to discuss how diets must be individualized, the myths about sodium, how drinking just water won’t properly hydrate you, and more. “In a world where it’s difficult find meaning, attaching oneself to a dietary or fitness tribe, like Cross Fit, is powerful. It’s really, really powerful.” “If we don’t have enough sodium in circulation, we will mine sodium out of our body, out of our bones to supply the sodium that we need, at least for some period of time.” “Interestingly, there’s a really high linkage between low sodium intake and osteoporosis.”  “Generally, when people shift to a mainly whole food type diet, their glycemic load drops which drops their insulin, drops their tendency to retain sodium.” “The literature is pretty clear that it’s far more dangerous from a health and a death perspective to have too low sodium than too high.” “I quoted these numbers in both of my books but 45 million Americans try a diet 3-4x a year and largely fail.” “If we just hammer water, what we end up doing is diluting those electrolytes and getting them further and further out of balance.” Listen to the SuperAge podcast wherever you get your pods.Connect with Robb:WebsiteThe Paleo Solution bookWired To Eat bookLMNT Electrolytes 

Ditching the One Size Diet Culture: Robb Wolf

Ditching the One Size Diet Culture: Robb Wolf
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