60 is My Power Decade: Julia Linn on Aging and Wellness

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Is it ever too late to meet your personal health goals? It took positivity and determination for athlete and women’s empowerment coach Julia Linn, otherwise known as @dolphinine to overcome diabetes, a double organ transplant, and cardiac bypass surgery. In fact, since she embarked on her fitness journey at age 62, she has found great power and joy in taking full authorship over her health. This week, we peel back the layers of wellness, and dive deep into mindset. My conversation with Julia explores her experiences with the toxic cultures of diet exercise sectors, the peril of fast fixes, and the value of steady, measured progress, and self-care. We hear personal stories on how menopause led her to experiment with varied foods and eventually find the balance that works best for her body. This further demonstrates the importance of self-responsibility in health and nutrition choices. Join us as we navigate personal growth, health journeys, and fitness–drawing inspiration from others to lead healthier, happier, and longer lives! And for those wondering, the answer is "no it is never too late to meet your health goals!"Be sure to check out Julia’s new book: My Power Decade: A Story of Mindset, Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, and Reclaiming Health After Age SixtyKey Moments"So I'm 63. I'm on a stage in a bikini, and I actually won, and it just sort of started this whole experience for me of knowing what my body could do. And, more importantly, let women know who are 50 plus, struggling with menopause, struggling with self-esteem, struggling with their body issues., to see me: a double organ transplant, triple cardiac bypass, no thyroid, to see me like strong and muscular at 66, 65. They suddenly think: she gives me hope, she can do it. I can do it To me, that is the biggest gift I can give out of all my experiences to let other women know this is possible. Don't limit yourself. ""Low calorie, high cardio is not sustainable, and I feel like that industry has said okay, here's another quick fix. How about a shot? How about you take a shot and it makes you so sick that you don't want to eat food and you lose weight? How about that? First of all, it doesn't deal with mindset issues, which are vital.""Be patient, go slow, listen to your body. Everybody's different. If you want to do keto, do keto. If you want to do macros, do macros. If you want to do portion control, do that. Everybody's different, but it has to be a common sense approach. Day in and day out, positive, repetitive action that shows you honor your body, you love your body. It can't come out of 'I hate my body, I'm disgusted.'"SponsorsInsideTracker — the dashboard to your Inner Health. Listeners get 10% off on all products at InsideTracker.com/AGEIST.Timeline Nutrition — our favorite supplement for cell support and mitochondrial function. Listeners receive 10% off your first order of Mitopure with code AGEIST at TimelineNutrition.com/ageist. LMNT Electrolytes — our favorite electrolytes for optimal hydration. Listeners receive a free 8-serving sample pack with their purchase at DrinkLMNT.com/AGEIST. Connect with Julia LinnWebsiteInstagramFacebook YoutubeContact

60 is My Power Decade: Julia Linn on Aging and Wellness

60 is My Power Decade: Julia Linn on Aging and Wellness
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