E161: Achieving The American Dream: An Interview With Sally

Release Date:

This podcast is all about helping first-time home buyers, so David Sidoni decided to talk to a real first-time home buyer who found their unicorn home through David’s unicorn team!
Sally and her husband were ready to purchase their first home in April 2022, just before the interest rates went wild. Learn how their unicorn team helped them navigate the crazy real estate waters, gave them an amazing experience and helped them realize their homeowner dreams.
Here are some topics from today’s discussion:

Episode Highlights:
[02:20] Sally’s Real Estate Team Comes in Clutch
Buying a home can be scary, but Sally got in touch with a great real estate agent and lender. As David has said many times before, finding experienced real estate agents and lenders is key to getting into the best home-buying situations. In Sally’s case, they were very supportive and knew that she and her husband could do it, even though it seemed challenging at the time! Consistent follow-ups, emails, and messages from the team kept them in the loop and feeling confident about their choice.
[14:07] The Numbers Had To Make Sense… And They Did!
Sally came in with some student debt, one steady income, and $5,000 for down payment. Her team helped her crunch the numbers and run all the possible scenarios, as well as throwing in some creative ways to help make the purchase even smoother. 
[32:05] Sally’s Happy (Home) Ending
The speedy process and quick feedback allowed Sally to move in before the end of 2022, making the whole process take from April to December. Now, she, her husband, and their two ferrets got to spend their first Christmas in their first house!
Resources Mentioned:

E161: Achieving The American Dream: An Interview With Sally

E161: Achieving The American Dream: An Interview With Sally
Release Date
