Constitutional Defense of Your Family and Freedom, part 5

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Ever wondered what it truly means to protect your liberty? Join us for an in-depth exploration at Patriot Academy, where intellectual and physical training converge to arm you with the knowledge and skills to defend your constitutional rights. We dive deep into the LIFT principles—limited government, individual liberty, free enterprise, and timeless truths—providing a robust framework for evaluating policy and restoring our constitutional republic. Through riveting personal stories, we make a powerful case for the younger generation to abandon apathy and embrace their role in safeguarding freedom.Inspired by Ronald Reagan's timeless assertion that freedom must be actively protected and passed on, Austin Griesinger shares his journey from ignorance to vigilance, becoming a "sheepdog" for liberty. Rick Green calls us all to action, urging us to stand as modern-day Paul Reveres, spreading the truth and inspiring others to follow suit. We traverse through history, examining events like Paul Revere's ride and the Battles of Lexington and Concord, to draw meaningful connections with our present-day struggles for liberty. And yes, we also have some fun reminiscing about family involvement in historical reenactments, emphasizing the joy and importance of passing the torch to the next generation.To cap off our series, we delve into the essential right of self-defense, rooted deeply in the laws of nature and nature's God, as emphasized by historical figures like Zephaniah Swift and John Adams. Our comparative analysis of the American and French Revolutions underscores the necessity of grounding liberty in moral and natural laws to maintain true freedom. We conclude with an invitation to revisit our archives if you missed any part of this enlightening series and encourage you to join us at the Patriot Academy campus for an enriching experience in constitutional defense and leadership training. Don't miss this opportunity to equip yourself with the intellectual ammunition you need to defend your rights!Support the Show.

Constitutional Defense of Your Family and Freedom, part 5

Exploring America's Spiritual Core on Good News Friday
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