Episode 241 - Learning from Leadership Pain with Glenn Burris

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With so much going against leaders today, how can one learn to push through the hardships and challenges and stay the course? How do you keep pressing on when discouragement, rejection, or wounds make you want to quit?
Glenn Burris has served his entire adult life in ministry. He has led churches and organizations through the ups and downs that inevitably come. He has suffered the wounds that can come from being out front. He knows how often the enemy will attempt to discourage or distract you as you answer the call God has for your life.
It was through his lifetime of service that the Lord taught him the value of humility and wholeness as he sought to lead others. With a pastoral heart, Glenn continues to guide and shepherd others with the hard won wisdom he has after seeing so much in ministries, organizations, and in life. Ultimately, Glenn has learned that circumstances can't dictate his outlook, but his trust in the Lord can.
In this episode, Davey gleans from the deep well of wisdom that Glenn shares about how to stay in ministry for the long haul, the importance to keep our eyes focused on the eternal, and how pain can be a teacher.
We are all leading in some capacity, whether in ministry, in the workplace or in our home. This conversation will equip you to keep going when life makes leading hard.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/glennburrisjr
Instagram: www.instagram.com/riverrun3
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glenncburrisjr/
Join us for our next masterclass Broken Vows: Experiencing Wholeness and Healing after Sexual Betrayal with NIW certified coach Karissa Sprinkle on Thursday, October 20th at 8pm EST:
Looking for resources for your specific pain point? Check out NIW Curated Pathways: www.nothingiswasted.com/pathways

Episode 241 - Learning from Leadership Pain with Glenn Burris

Episode 241 - Learning from Leadership Pain with Glenn Burris
Release Date
