Justin Breen: People Like Us

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“ADD or ADHD is not a disorder; it’s a sign of genius mislabeled by humans.” – Justin Breen
About Our Guest
Justin Breen is the Founder/CEO of the global PR firm BrEpic and exclusive connectivity platform BrEpic Network. His newest book, Epic Life, features a foreword from Dr. Peter Diamandis and has been the No. 1 overall book for sales on Amazon Kindle. It also recently made the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestseller lists.
Episode Summary
This episode is powered by the Move to Millions Book
Have you often felt out of place? Have you found yourself questioning your gifts and if you can really make, move and leave millions? Are you a big picture thinker and visionary with lots of ideas and very little implementation to show for it? Has your greatness been diagnosed and labeled in a way that might stifle your very genius? If you are shaking your head "yes," I know how you feel because I have felt the same. This episode is for people like us - brilliant, big picture thinkers and visionaries who are often misunderstood on our journey to greatness.
When I was in grade school, after one of our annual test periods, I was called into the office and informed that I was considered "gifted." Being gifted came with all sorts of baggage and expectations. When I became an entrepreneur, I questioned everything and often felt like I was a nomad, wondering aimlessly vs the child who had been labeled gifted in my youth.
My guest, Justin Breen, says that an entrepreneur is "the most damaged person with the best coping skills." People like us, he says, are true geniuses that simplify the problems of the world. People like us - gifted, talented, high achieving entrepreneurs and business owners - are what make the world and businesses move. If you've ever felt out of place and that your greatness and genius was questioned at every turn, grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast notebook for some true inspiration so that you can continue to shake the planet. Listen in now to discover:
The top traits of the most gifted people in the world
How to prioritize your family over your business and grow it to the next level
3 keys to unearthing your next level of genius
Why simplification of your life is the key to scaling and sustaining your growth
Two questions to ask yourself every day to continue to be the best version of yourself
And so much more...

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Move to Millions Book

Powerful Quotes from the Episode
"The cream rises to the top. So we partner with the cream that rises to the top". 
"I just keep writing bigger checks to be in smaller rooms, but the people in those rooms are making bigger impacts."
"Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. My worthy ideal is to be connecting superhero for every visionary who shares their stories with the world."
"The formula for creating a successful global company is simple. It's a simple formula. It's you see a problem, create solution, problem solved. Successful global company."
"Oh, they're just winning the wrong game."

How to Connect with Justin Breen  
Website:  https://www.brepicllc.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrEpicBreen
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinbreen1/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brepicbreen
Books Justin Recommends: Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankel, Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill   
Favorite Quote: The cream rises to the top
Tool Justin Swears By Own His Move to Millions:  Kolbe A and talking to his children
Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is not responsible for the content and information delivered during the podcast interview by any guest. As always, we suggest that you conduct your own due diligence regarding any proclamations by podcast guests.  Incredible One Enterprises, LLC is providing the podcast for informational purposes only. 
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Justin Breen: People Like Us

Justin Breen: People Like Us
Release Date
