Jim Padilla: Read the Room

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About Our Guest:
As a Global Impact Strategist and the founder of Gain The Edge, Jim Padilla is known in the personal development and business coaching world as the go-to-guy for all things sales. He is a master collaborator whose purpose is to help entrepreneurs leverage the power of collaboration to scale their business so they can impact the world the way they intended. Jim is known for instilling into his sales team… “it’s not what you say, it’s who you are being when you say it”. 
Episode Summary
This episode is powered by The Virtual Launch Event for the Move to Millions Book
There is something to be said for becoming insanely curious and leveraging the questions that initiate in your mind to feed the way you run your business, especially when it comes to sales.  Sales, as you have heard me share previously, is one of the key ways that you actually know that you have a company that you can scale and sustain. Your ability to be fully present to investigate all aspects of interacting with a prospective client will determine your level of sales success.  Through a powerful conversation with my guest for this episode, Jim Padilla, together we uncover a powerful framework that will help you to “read the room” when you are navigating as a CEO and sales professional in your company.  If you’ve been searching for a new way to process and connect with prospects you’re going to want to grab your Move to Millions ® Podcast notebook and favorite pen.  This is going to be good! Listen in to discover:
The power of reading the room in every aspect of your life and business and 3 keys for leveraging this power
How to navigate periods in your life and business when you are challenged
The #1 skill you need to achieve your next level of success
Why collaborating is a great way to experience consistent sales
And so much more

Powerful Quotes During the Episode:  (basically the whole episode )
Being able to effectively present a product should not be overshadowed by nervous energy." - Jim.
"To experience lifelong transformation, one must participate in their own transformation while being guided to make decisions.” - Jim
“Entrepreneurs and small business owners must not only navigate objections in sales conversations, but also be able to foster curiosity in the process." - Darnyelle
“Using the power of writing, one can capture thoughts, ideas, and emotions in various forms." - Jim

Last book Jim read:   How to Win Friends & Influence People Dale Carnegie
Favorite  Quote:    t's not what you're saying or what you're doing, it's who you're being while you're saying or doing it that matters the most.
Tool Jim swears by to grow his business:  pen and paper
How to Connect with Jim Padilla:
Websites: www.gaintheedgenow.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gaintheedgenow
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimpadilla02
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jimpadilla/
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 Important Links:
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Move to Millions Planner
Move to Millions Book

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Jim Padilla: Read the Room

Jim Padilla: Read the Room
Release Date
