Nakeia Homer: Habits for Healing

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About Our Guest:
Nakeia Homer is a well-being educator and a self-healing guide. Through programs, speaking, workshop facilitation, and corporate wellness consulting, she helps people sustain their well-being, operate in their brilliance, and show up for their lives and work as the best versions of themselves. She is the author of I Hope This Helps and All the Right Pieces and founder of Heal and Grow Daily, a self-healing community and membership program. A sought-after wellness expert and trauma-informed educator, Nakeia is a member of the executive3 education faculty at the David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah.
Episode Summary:
This episode is powered by God Girls Making Millions
You can have the desires of your heart. But you gotta heal first.”  Nakeia Homer
When I first became an entrepreneur, I didn’t realize that it would call all of my hidden insecurities and trauma to the surface of my life.  To say that entrepreneurship will heal you is an understatement!! Heralded for saying “you can’t have a booming business when you have a busted life,” I know firsthand the requirements to achieve the greatness that becoming an entrepreneur pulls out of you.  If, during your journey to and beyond the million-dollar mark, you’ve been sidetracked with the need to surrender, align and forgive, you’re going to love this episode.  I am excited to introduce to some and present to others an old friend, Nakeia Homer, who has been on a mission to help people heal one habit at a time.  In her brand-new book, Habits for Healing, Nakeia invites us to explore nine habits and the havoc they can heal in various areas of our lives. This conversation is so RICH – filled with anecdotes, personal stories of overcoming and resiliency and an assessment to reclaim your purpose, peace and power. If you’re ready to start your own journey towards healing, grab your pen and Move to Millions Podcast Notebook and listen in to discover:
How to get out of the “hood” that is keeping you from your next and best season of life
3 keys for self-care that heals
3 questions to ask yourself to expedite your healing
And so much more

Powerful Quotes from The Episode:
“It’s difficult to connect with someone not connected to themselves.”
“We are conditioned to search for care outside of ourselves.”
“Environment impacts the way you care for yourself.”
“Self-care isn’t selfish; it’s a necessity to sustain your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual capacity.”
“Healing is a continuous process, not a one-time destination.”
“Ask yourself daily: ‘What do I need?’ This question is the cornerstone of consistent well-being.”
“Your life circumstances don’t define who you are; your actions following those circumstances do.”
“By sharing our stories, we not only heal ourselves but also inspire others to envision their own path to greatness.”
"Self-care is not a luxury. It's a necessity if you want to be whole and sustain your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual capacity."
"Reconnect with your vision and divine purpose, not the expectations of others. That’s where true transformation begins."
"Sharing our personal stories can inspire others and establish a sense of community and support."

Move to Millions Wisdom Questions:
Book: As a Man Thinketh James Allen
Favorite Quote: “Circumstances don’t make the man, they only reveal him to himself.” Epictetus 
Tool Nakeia Swears By: Habits for Healing
Get Your Copy of Nakeia’s New Book: Habits for Healing:
How to Connect with Nakeia Homer:

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Nakeia Homer: Habits for Healing

Dethra Giles: Take Up Space
Release Date
