69 – Top-3 Russian writers

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If you want to support my work, you can do it in one of these ways: Patreon – http://patreon.com/realrussianclub Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian  Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe  My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency  UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)–  https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia  Спасибо! Russian literature is loved all over the world. Today we will talk about several Russian writers of the 19th century.  Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was not only a poet, but also a playwrite and a prose writer. At school we study his works Dubrovsky and The Captain's Daughter. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a Russian writer and philosopher of the 19th century. His most famous novels are Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, The Brothers Karamazov, Demons. Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy was one of the greatest writers in the world. Novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina are included as two of the treasures of world literature. ТОП-3 русских писателей: Русскую литературу любят во всём мире. Сегодня мы поговорим о нескольких русских писателях 19 века. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин – это не только поэт, но и драматург и прозаик. В школе мы проходим его произведения «Дубровский» и «Капитанская дочка». Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский – русский писатель и философ 19 века. Самые знаменитые его романы – «Преступление и наказание», «Идиот», «Братья Карамазовы», «Бесы». Лев Николаевич Толстой – один из величайших писателей мира. Романы «Война и мир» и «Анна Каренина» входят в сокровищницу мировой литературы. *** If you want to support my work, you can do it in one of these ways: Patreon – http://patreon.com/realrussianclub Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian  Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe  My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency  UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)–  https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia  Спасибо!      

69 – Top-3 Russian writers

69 – Top-3 Russian writers
Release Date
