51 – May 1! Is it important?

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Happy Worker's Day! Here is the text: Первого мая мы отмечаем Международный день труда. Он стал важнейшим праздником в Советском Союзе, его отмечали парадами и демонстрациями в центрах крупных городов.  Самое масштабное празднование традиционно организовывали на Красной площади. Сегодня Первое мая утратило своё политическое значение. Это просто праздник весны, хорошего настроения и радости. Конечно, до сих пор проходят демонстрации, но чаще люди выходят гулять в городские парки, выезжают на природу жарить шашлыки и просто хорошо проводить время. Translation On May 1st, we celebrate International Workers' Day. It was a very important holiday of the Soviet Union, celebrated with parades and demonstrations in the centre of the major cities. The biggest celebration was traditionally organised in Red Square. Today  May Day has lost its political meaning. It’s just a holiday of spring, good mood and joy. Of course they still organise demonstrations, but more often people go to city parks, go out to enjoy nature and have some barbecue, and just have a good time. *** If you want to support my work, you can do it in one of these ways: Patreon – http://patreon.com/realrussianclub Slow Russian Podcast Transcript and audio download for $20 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/slowrussian  Join my free email course with A LOT of useful materials for self-learning – http://realrussianclub.com/subscribe  My premium step-by-step course for Russian language learners – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/ Get all three levels together and save $102 – https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/bundles/all-of-from-zero-to-fluency  UNDERSTANDING RUSSIA (cultural course, no knowledge of Russian language required)–  https://russian.fromzerotofluency.com/courses/understanding-russia  Спасибо!  

51 – May 1! Is it important?

51 – May 1! Is it important?
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