The Steroids Podcast Episode 14

Release Date:
0:00 Roid Rage
3:40 No Substance controls your behavior – Steroids Don’t Get You High
5:30 Fight or Flight Impulse – Steroids take away the fear of fighting
9:00 Test and Primobolan Cycle – Proviron Purpose in PCT post cycle therapy
11:55 Proviron Acne Side Effects – Easy to get doctor to prescribe acne medication
16:38 Using Old Vial of Testosterone Infection Risk
19:00 Sample Procedure for Injecting Steroids with a Sharp Needle for Pain Free Injection
22:30 Be Sanitary, Taking Steroids is not a social activity, Don’t share steroids with friends
23:35 Facial Effects of HGH and Steroids – Steroids Growing Facial Muscles
27:00 HGH and Facial Growth – Not a thing unless high dosages used or combining with Insulin/IGF-1
28:35 Muscle Dysmorphia – Self Image
32:55 HGH dosage for permanent muscle Hyperplasia
Muscle Hyperplasia vs. Muscle Hypertrophy
37:30 Steroids Effects on Mind, Motivation, Social Life
39:20 High Dosages of Steroids are a negative influence in every aspect of your life
40:25 Entrepreneur with no money issues asks about ideal steroid and growth hormone cycle for energy, health, and jackedness
43:55 Anti Estrogen Dosage transitioning from a blast to a cruise
46:00 Don’t start you steroid cycle until you have your arimidex, letrozole, nolvadex, exemestane etc.
48:00 Do you need to do Cardio to Lose Body Fat
51:00 Stan Efferding 10 Minute Walks After Meals
51:53 Testosterone and Trenbolone Cycle getting side effects but not looking muscular
54:25 Why do you need Anti Estrogen with Testosterone Cycle

The Steroids Podcast Episode 14

The Steroids Podcast Episode 14
Release Date
