116: In my opinion

Release Date:

Dan and James chat about a recent twitter discussion on open science funding and the benefits of Editors sharing their opinions online. James also shares three project proposals that he thinks deserves funding, which Dan ranks.
Other stuff...
The Twitter thread (https://twitter.com/tage_rai/status/1304985745157914624?s=20) from Tage Rai on conflicts of interest in funding on science
The Raytheon Amphitheater (http://www.northeastern.edu/egan/raytheon.html) at Northeastern University
How Nature Human Behavior evaluates your mansucripts (https://rdcu.be/b7otB), from episode 105 (https://everythinghertz.com/105).
Good and bad experiences with Frontiers journals
A contract (https://osf.io/5ey8g/) for getting paid for reviews
Get access to our Patreon newsletter (https://www.patreon.com/hertzpodcast)
The peer-review process (https://reviewer.elifesciences.org/reviewer-guide/review-process) at eLife
James' three grant proposal ideas
The taxi story (https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/21LV4B/topp-professor-tok-taxi-for-en-halv-mill-paa-det-offentliges-regning) [Story in Norwegian but Google translate does a good enough job]
PsycoPy (https://www.psychopy.org/)
The eyetracker that's 100x cheaper (https://rdcu.be/b7s0q) than commercial eyetrackers
Ads in R package load up messages
Chat about this episode on the Git Gud Science Discord server (https://discord.gg/n7ty4EQ)
Other links
- Dan on twitter (www.twitter.com/dsquintana)
- James on twitter (www.twitter.com/jamesheathers)
- Everything Hertz on twitter (www.twitter.com/hertzpodcast)
- Everything Hertz on Facebook (www.facebook.com/everythinghertzpodcast/)
Music credits: Lee Rosevere (freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/)
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Episode citation
Quintana, D.S., Heathers, J.A.J. (Hosts). (2020, September 21) "116: In my opinion", Everything Hertz [Audio podcast], DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/WT46Z

116: In my opinion

116: In my opinion
Release Date
