You Don´t Need a Why

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We hear all the time how important it is to have a clear “why” in your life and business. 🧐 But have you ever thought about WHY you need a why? Yes, I know the answer: ✔️ So you’ll be able to recall it when things are hard ✔️ So you can make sure all the decisions you’re making are taking you to in the right direction. ✔️ Etc. Those are all fine. And I drank that kool-aid for a long time on all of that. But here’s the problem: IF what you’re doing is so personally challenging and painful that you have to remind yourself WHY you’re doing it, then you have a problem. Most entrepreneurs don’t have a WHY problem. We have a HOW problem. ❌ If your pace is unsustainable, clarifying your why won’t help. ❌ If you’re over-working yourself, knowing WHY isn’t going keep you healthy. ❌ If you’re making less money than you need to be, spending more time than you want to be, and experiencing more stress than you should be — your why isn’t going to help. Change your “how”. ✅ How you live your days is how you live your life. I’ve burned out hard on this path, and I know from experience that when how you’re building your business and pursuing your goals is fun and balanced, the why takes care of itself. Stop sacrificing yourself to a life you don't love in order to gain a future that may never come. Show Notes: htpps://

You Don´t Need a Why

You Don´t Need a Why
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