Is This My Stuff? How therapists can sort through countertransference: An Interview with Dr. Amy Meyers, LCSW

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Is This My Stuff? How therapists can sort through countertransference: An Interview with Dr. Amy Meyers, LCSW
Curt and Katie interview Dr. Amy Meyers on countertransference. We talk about what countertransference is, how therapists typically struggle when working in the transference and countertransference, how the profession’s relationship to countertransference has changed, and what therapists can do to better understand themselves. We also talk a bit about the blank slate.
Transcripts for this episode will be available at!
In this podcast episode, we look at countertransference
We’re talking about a topic we haven’t touched on yet: countertransference. We are joined by an expert in countertransference, Dr. Amy Meyers, LCSW
What is countertransference?
·      Beyond self-awareness and understanding oneself
·      We have experiences and make them our own and expect people to respond to me in the same way as others have in the past
What do therapists struggle with when addressing transference and countertransference?
·      When therapists don’t know themselves well enough, they will not be able to identify when countertransference is coming up
·      Therapists will often avoid conflict or put too much of themselves in the room without full assessment
·      Therapists misunderstand the utility of countertransference and try to avoid it
·      Simplification of the blank slate. Dr. Meyers’ understanding is that it is avoiding unintentionally putting your emotions in the session, which gets in the way of clients’ projecting emotions on the therapist (transference)
How should therapists be taught to use countertransference?
·      Looking at how you feel about the interactions with your clients and your feelings about your clients as individuals
·      Treating therapists as human beings with emotions and explore how their humanity interacts with their work with their clients
How has the field changed its relationship with countertransference?
·      People have moved into quicker therapy and more manualized treatments
·      There is less focus on longer term, relationship based treatment rather than tools and strategies
·      Supervisors and trainers are less focused on training therapists in this element of the work
What can therapists do when they become aware of their countertransference reactions
·      Considering other options rather than what is familiar
·      Using the relationship in therapy as a corrective emotional experience
·      We discuss a couple of case examples to explore how to work with countertransference with real clients
·      Sorting out what is self-disclosure versus use of self in session and how are each can be helpful
·      Go to therapy
·      Go to supervision
·      Learn and read more about countertransference

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Modern Therapist’s Survival Guide Creative Credits:
Voice Over by DW McCann
Music by Crystal Grooms Mangano

Is This My Stuff? How therapists can sort through countertransference: An Interview with Dr. Amy Meyers, LCSW

Is This My Stuff? How therapists can sort through countertransference: An Interview with Dr. Amy Meyers, LCSW
Release Date
