A Polish Requiem: Nationhood

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We use Penderecki's A Polish Requiem to explore the volatile history of the Polish nation, and how this in turn influenced Penderecki's outlook. From trade union protests to sustaining religious faith under communist rule, we discover how a composer can reflect wider issues of state, nationhood and identity. Further reading & listening: Krzysztof Penderecki // bio on Culture.pl A Polish Requiem // profile on Culture.pl Visit Penderecki's Garden, a digital garden in the composer's honour. Many thanks to the Penderecki estate for granting us permission to use extended parts of his music. Some of the pieces heard in this episode can be listened to in full elsewhere on the Internet: Krzysztof Penderecki: A Polish Requiem Andrzej Panufnik: Polonia, Suite for Orchestra Hosted by Jack Pepper Transcription WCAG A Polish translation of the audio can be found here.

A Polish Requiem: Nationhood

A Polish Requiem: Nationhood
Release Date
