Tennis Needs Vision Classes

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What are you doing to discover your vision for the type of person you want to play like?  Does your tennis coach talk vision with you?  Does your tennis facility offer classes in vision?  You know, a vision of someone who is great at what they do (i.e. a pro tennis player) that you believe in your heart you could play like?  To serve or return like them?  To execute a play just like them?  Maybe to just move as gracefully as them?Maybe more students need to come to their coaches (like aspiring musicians do with their music teachers) with a vision of who they want to play like or be like.  Maybe more coaches need to start asking questions to help students get at their vision and refer back to that vision in lessons.  Maybe facilities should start offering vision classes and establish dream boards for students that give them a reference point.  Take the lead from music and music stores - the kid who comes in wearing the concert t-shirt (like tennis clothes), holding the instrument that a famous musician plays (like the tennis racquet), and asks if you can show him how to play like that musician (tennis player) already has a vision.  Maybe your coaches or students do too - you'll never know until you ask and follow through:)

Tennis Needs Vision Classes

Tennis Needs Vision Classes
Release Date
