Liberation from Subconscious Conditioning

Release Date:

Aberrant Behavior Episode 5 - Liberation from Subconscious Conditioning 
In this episode, I talk about how most of our behaviors and what we consider our personalities are as a result of subconscious conditioning. As always, I draw from my experience. 
When I wanted to change behavior patterns that were no longer serving me, I thought it was a matter of willpower but after that failed me time and time again, I decided to dig deeper.
Some of the things I talk about are:
How I got to a place where I could forgive my ex-wife (and regain closes friendship with her) for cheating on me twice before our first anniversary.
Hint: it had nothing to do with her and everything to do with me focusing on transmuting my pain into powerful behavior change

the difference between the colloquial use of the term EGO and it's use in human psychology. And why it is important to get familiar with our Ego in order to stop- operating from a place of subconscious conditioning
I mention the book The  Four agreements and how learning about them is changing my life
unlearning parental and societal conditioning. Why do we believe what we belive? Is it a matter of genetics or mere social conditioning?
How can you be sure that YOU hate body hair?
Our parents/earliest caregivers are not perfect, they're just people with their own traumas who happened to procreate. Should owe then take their word as gospel?

Goal of all this work
getting free from bondage from our thoughts and feelings
leaving the prison of our minds

moving through life with intention
being able to witness our thoughts and make the associations and own our shit without ascribing blame to other people
unlearning conditioned beliefs
getting to know our truest selves

improving our inner peace and wellbeing
improving our relationships all around
in relationships, I notice when patterns are repeating themselves and I can better detach and recalibrate

The Four Agreements:
The difference between the colloquial use of ego and the psychological use:
Dr. Nicole LePera. She has some amazing FREE resources on doing Ego work:

I wish you all a happy healing!
Love, xoc. 

Liberation from Subconscious Conditioning

Liberation from Subconscious Conditioning
Release Date
