Q&A: How to validate a local business idea? Plus 4 more call in questions! Ep. #036

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Fresh Q&A! And hey, as luck would have it, I am validating a biz idea on YT live this Tuesday at 12pm CST. Watch it here! https://www.youtube.com/live/n0T6M39qanQ?si=Mj9OTC6-f7QrH2GX&utm_source=newsletter.chrisjkoerner.com&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=newsletter-00042You're gonna love today's episode. Summaries and timestamps below.---Watch this on YouTube instead here: https://www.youtube.com/@thekoerneroffice?sub_confirmation=1Ask me a question on or off the show here: https://tkopod.co/p-askLearn more about me: http://chrisjkoerner.comLearn about my company: http://cofounders.comFollow me on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/mhp_guyFree weekly business ideas newsletter: https://newsletter.chrisjkoerner.com/--00:02:17:22  Market Research Pack n ShipHow do people evaluate if a business opportunity is saturated or has potential in a particular area?00:11:46:09  Monetizing A Local Newsletter - How do I monetize and grow my local newsletter in Winnipeg?00:27:18:05  Insurance Software | AI in Commercial and Specialty Insurance - How can we, as two relatively unknown co-founders, build connections in the insurance industry and find our first customers for our AI underwriting co-pilot?00:36:00:11 Zapier automation | Web Design - How can I find clients who use Zapier at a large scale to transition them to my lower-cost automation platform?00:43:27:22 Japan taxes | Financial Advisory Business for Expats - Andrew asked, "What are your marketing ideas for finding your unique target audience of Gen X and millennials moving to Japan or Singapore?

Q&A: How to validate a local business idea? Plus 4 more call in questions! Ep. #036

Q&A: How to validate a local business idea? Plus 4 more call in questions! Ep. #036
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