Spring Refresh Challenge Day 3 // Ditch Your Never Ending To - Do List For Good So You Can Manage Your Home With Confidence Instead

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It's Day Three of the Spring Refresh Challenge!

Prepare yourself for the solution to a timeless problem that plagues you week after week: getting through your to-do-list. There's no magic tricks here, just a simple system that reduces your to-do list by 90% for good.

This series is going to be jam-packed with four full days of life-changing information that will absolutely help you lighten your home, schedule, and to-do list so you can finally catch a break and prioritize yourself again.

We’re doing a giveaway each day of the challenge, with a grand prize on the last day for one lucky winner to get a free all-expenses-paid scholarship as a VIP student into both my programs: Systemize Your Life and Systemize Your Biz.

Here's how it works: Tune in all four days. Then head over to our Facebook group (linked below) to share your homework I'm giving you at the end of every episode. You have to complete all 4 days of homework and be present on our live call inside the Facebook group at 4 pm EDT this Friday to win.

Are you ready to get started? Let's jump into Day Three of the Spring Refresh Challenge!

Chelsi Jo
Look at your to-do-list and highlight the tasks that you have already done in the past.
Share your homework inside our Spring Refresh Challenge Community

Spring Refresh Challenge Day 3 // Ditch Your Never Ending To - Do List For Good So You Can Manage Your Home With Confidence Instead

Spring Refresh Challenge Day 3 // Ditch Your Never Ending To - Do List For Good So You Can Manage Your Home With Confidence Instead
Release Date
