076 Your Voice, Your Art, and You

Release Date:

Our voice is the most intimate part of human expression. It is formed over decades of parenting, socialization, and trauma. Our physical alignment and muscle tension create the speaking pattern that we function from day to day. If you want to be a transformational actor, then you need extensive and disciplined work to unlock the way you speak. This week Charlie talks to Midori Nakamura, a designated Linklater teacher who runs the Voice & Speech program at the Maggie Flanigan Studio. Charlie and Midori discuss the bravery and dedication required when taking the journey to free the human voice. You can follow CBP on Instagram @creatingbehavior, and Charlie's NYC acting conservatory, the Maggie Flanigan Studio @maggieflaniganstudio. Theme music by  https://www.thelawrencetrailer.com. For written transcripts, to leave a voicemail on SpeakPipe, or contact Charlie for private coaching, check out https://www.creatingbehaviorpodcast.com

076 Your Voice, Your Art, and You

076 Your Voice, Your Art, and You
Release Date
