#031 Season 1 Finale

Release Date:

Charlie closes out the first season of Creating Behavior with a look at a few important performances along with some of Charlie's favorite shows, books and music from 2020. He also shares a new holiday song by Lawrence Trailer the artist behind the show's theme song Not Enough. Charlie  also selects some of the best moments of the last 30 episodes.  Thank you to everyone who has listened to CBP and shared it with friends. Stay resilient, play full out with yourself, and don't ever settle for your second best.  See you in February.   You can follow CBP on Instagram @creatingbehavior, and Charlie's NYC acting conservatory, the Maggie Flanigan Studio @maggieflaniganstudio. Theme music by  https://www.thelawrencetrailer.com. For written transcripts, to leave a voicemail on SpeakPipe, or contact Charlie for private coaching, check out https://www.creatingbehaviorpodcast.com

#031 Season 1 Finale

#031 Season 1 Finale
Release Date
