The Art of Emotional Travel & Hospitality: Crafting Contemporary Luxury with Jack Ezon Founder & Managing Partner of Embark Beyond

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Join us for a fascinating exploration into the world of luxury hospitality and retail with Jack S. Ezon, founder and Managing Partner at Embark Beyond. This episode delves into how luxury is being redefined from traditional lavish services to emotionally resonant experiences.
We'll journey from the historic charm of New York's Carlisle Hotel to the meticulous service of Italy's Villa Passalacqua, discussing how today's luxury seekers are shifting their preferences towards experiences that offer personal significance.
We'll also examine the evolving role of non-hospitality brands in the travel sector and how the industry is adapting to meet the demands of a more conscious consumer base. Our discussion highlights the generational shift in values within luxury retail, contrasting the flashy tastes of traditional jet-setters with the discreet preferences of those who prioritize meaningfulness, transparency, and sustainability.
Moreover, we explore how brands are building communities and fostering loyalty through emotional engagement, from Apple’s technological innovations to the trend of group travel to destinations like South Africa. Tune in to uncover how the concept of luxury is pivoting towards creating deeper connections and lasting impressions in the hearts of consumers.


Redefining Luxury: Transition from traditional luxury to experiences that resonate emotionally.
Spotlight on Hospitality: From the Carlisle Hotel to Villa Passalacqua, exploring high personal service standards.
Changing Consumer Base: Shift in luxury preferences among younger generations towards sustainability and transparency.
Community and Loyalty: How brands like Apple are engaging consumers on a deeper emotional level through community-building and shared experiences.
Global Insights: Discussion on non-hospitality brands entering the travel space and the broader implications for the luxury sector.

The Art of Emotional Travel & Hospitality: Crafting Contemporary Luxury with Jack Ezon Founder & Managing Partner of Embark Beyond

The Art of Emotional Travel & Hospitality: Crafting Contemporary Luxury with Jack Ezon Founder & Managing Partner of Embark Beyond
Release Date
