Enthusiasm Wins! 5 Ways to Show It & 4 Killer Mistakes

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How to demonstrate enthusiasm during a job interview. Finding a balance between not showing enough and showing too much enthusiasm.

How to Show Enthusiasm

Do your homework on the company: research their mission, values, products, culture, and recent projects.
Bring materials to the interview: portfolio, presentations on how you can contribute to the specific role, or ideas tailored to the company's needs.
Verbally express your interest: mention specific aspects of the job and company that excite you and explain why.
Follow up thoughtfully: send a thank-you email or handwritten note reiterating your interest and qualifications.
Demonstrate that you are a continuous learner: highlight relevant courses, certifications, conferences, or workshops you've completed.
Mistakes to Avoid

Desperation: avoid phrases like "I'll take anything" or "I need this job so badly."
Obsession: don't send constant emails or calls after the interview.
Overly aggressive selling: focus on how your skills can benefit the company, not just getting the job.
Lack of focus: be clear about why you're excited about the role and how your skills can help the company.NEW Weekly Newsletter Signup plus 1-on-1 Interview Coaching with Me at:

Enthusiasm Wins! 5 Ways to Show It & 4 Killer Mistakes

Enthusiasm Wins! 5 Ways to Show It & 4 Killer Mistakes
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