Ep 74. From daily symptoms and feeling hopeless to remission from IC in less than a year (Andrea’s story)

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After seeing the intense struggles her mom went through after being diagnosed with interstitial cystitis over 20 years ago, Andrea was terrified to be diagnosed with IC last year. When going through a stressful time at the beginning of last year, she got a UTI out of nowhere and the symptoms never went away. After seeing a urologist and eventually a specialist, she was diagnosed and immediately began trying to find relief through medication, physical therapy, and bladder instillations. 
Now, just one year later, she is almost completely symptom-free. And when she does have flares, she has the tools to get rid of them in a matter of days. We discuss how she has managed her symptoms, why focusing on her nervous system was the key to her recovery, and how Road to Remission helped her feel hope for the future for the first time. Andrea shares her story of hope for a normal life with IC by managing her symptoms to the point of being able to swim, go for long car rides, and enjoy almost all foods. 
Connect with Andrea: https://www.instagram.com/andrea_dauley?igsh=MXdvNjZ6ZGoxN21qag==
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Ep 74. From daily symptoms and feeling hopeless to remission from IC in less than a year (Andrea’s story)

Ep 54. Are SIBO and IBS Potential Causes of "IC Belly"?
Release Date
