Vice Presidential Debates: Best-of, Legendary, and Funniest Moments, Phrases, and Zingers Since 1976

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Gearing up for the Vice-Presidential debate – Tim Walz versus JD Vance?

Then you might want to remember the first time running mates debated in a formal, nationally televised setting:

Good evening, I'm James Hoge, editor of the Chicago Sun Times, and moderator of this third of the historic debates of the 1976 campaign. Tonight we have the vice-presidential candidates: for the Democrats, Senator Walter Mondale of Minnesota; for the Republicans, Senator Robert Dole of Kansas. Thank you, Senator Mondale, and thank you, Senator Dole, for being with us this evening. This debate is taking place before an audience in the Alley Theater in Houston, Texas. It is also being broadcast by radio and television to an audience estimated at some eighty-five million persons in this nation and overseas.

That’s how the debate opened on October 15, 1976 … Walter Mondale versus Bob Dole … Two Senators …On October 1st, 2024, it will be Tim Walz versus JD Vance -- and the 12th time running mates have debated over nearly half a century.

What were the top, most famous, most newsworthy, most notable, funniest, legendary, and otherwise best-of moments, phrases, and zingers from the first 11 Vice Presidential debates?
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Vice Presidential Debates: Best-of, Legendary, and Funniest Moments, Phrases, and Zingers Since 1976

Top Ten Moments Involving Moderators of Senate, House, Governor, and Mayor Debates
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