Ross Perot’s Greatest Moments in the 1992 Presidential Debates

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Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. wants to be included in the upcoming debate on CNN between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
There hasn’t been a third participant, an independent candidate, in a presidential debate in over three decades…. Since Ross Perot in 1992
“No hedges, no ifs, ands and buts. I'll take the pledge. Because I know the American people want to talk about issues and not tabloid journalism. So, I'll take the pledge and we'll stay on the issues.
Now, just for the record, I don't have any spin doctors. I don't have any speech writers. Probably shows. I make those charts you see on television.
But you don't have to wonder if it's me talking. What you see is what you get. And if you don't like it, you got two other choices, right?”
That was Ross Perot in the 1992 town hall – the first-ever general election presidential debate held in a town hall format…. A citizen asked the candidates to "focus on the issues and not the personalities and the mud."
What were Ross Perot’s greatest moments, notable remarks, and most famous lines from the 1992 debates?
Find out in the latest episode of C-SPAN’s podcast “The Weekly” -- when we revisit the last time an independent candidate was allowed in a presidential debate.
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Ross Perot’s Greatest Moments in the 1992 Presidential Debates

Ross Perot’s Greatest Moments in the 1992 Presidential Debates
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