Facet #3 | Depth of Technique - The Invisible Key to Ballet

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If you’ve been dancing for a while and wonder why your pirouettes aren’t working yet, or why your petite allegro isn’t getting quicker, or why your legs won’t stay turned out in the center or lift any higher, or why your port de bras still doesn’t look quite how you want, then this is the facet for you.

This facet of ballet is where we work to master movements within the ballet paradigm, which involves turned out legs, pointed ankles, long toes, stretched knees, elongated posture, and arm movements to extend our lines from our back and create gestures.

We build the mechanisms that make ballet look and work correctly. The depth of technique enables us to create the look of effortless elegance while secretly and invisibly working really hard to control the body. It enables us to use gravity & physics to our advantage to turn, leap, lift our legs up high, and more.

And it is what gives ballet the “look” of gracefulness, and the “je ne sais quoi” of floating across the stage.

Facet #3 | Depth of Technique - The Invisible Key to Ballet

Facet #3 | Depth of Technique - The Invisible Key to Ballet
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