Teaching Writing in an Age of AI

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John Warner shares how to teach writing in an age of AI on episode 449 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast.

Quotes from the episode

As a tool, it is most useful in the hands of people who already have the skills and knowledge to write well.
-John Warner

Writing is thinking.
-John Warner

When we write, we are both expressing and exploring an idea.
-John Warner


Why They Can’t Write, by John Warner
The Writer’s Practice, by John Warner
Freaking Out About ChatGPT (Part I), by John Warner for Inside Higher Ed
Craft app
Tessie McMillan Cottom’s newsletter for New York Times subscribers
Clippy (Microsoft Office Assistant)

Affiliate income disclosure: Books that are recommended on the podcast link to the Teaching in Higher Ed bookstore on Bookshop.org. All affiliate income gets donated to the LibroMobile Arts Cooperative (LMAC), established in 2016 by Sara Rafael Garcia.”

Teaching Writing in an Age of AI

Teaching Writing in an Age of AI
Release Date
