Changing Pronouns Is Dumb — Scientifically | Guest: Colin Wright | 2/9/22

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An editorial in the Globe and Mail chastised supporters of the Freedom Convoy for weaponizing freedom to undermine democracy. A peaceful protest and those that support it are somehow a threat to freedom because they’re against authoritarian COVID mandates. Yes, freedom is now something only the “alt-right” cares about. Don’t worry, Justin Trudeau says Canadians have never been stronger or more united. I’m not sure he knows who they’re united against. Asking for someone’s preferred pronouns has become normalized, but is it actually helpful? According to experts, it’s not helpful at all and is in fact detrimental and regressive. We’re joined in-studio by Colin Wright, evolutionary biologist, writer, and managing editor at Quillette.

Colin Wright:
Twitter - @SwipeWright
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Managing Editor, Quillette

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Changing Pronouns Is Dumb — Scientifically | Guest: Colin Wright | 2/9/22

Changing Pronouns Is Dumb — Scientifically | Guest: Colin Wright | 2/9/22
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