Episode 78 The Officer Next Door and (Ret.) Dallas Police Chris Wood #8672

Release Date:

Support the good, condemn the bad, honor the fallen.
Our next guest grew up in a very small town in NORTHERN Minnesota, which is why his accent is still so strong despite the fact he hasn’t lived there since 2005. He spent his childhood playing every sport possible, with a year-round focus on hockey. He played hockey in college at Hamline University where he graduated with a degree in criminal justice. Upon graduating college, he joined the Dallas Police Department in 2005. Admittedly, he chose southwest division (ch4) as his first choice but was luckily assigned to God’s country – southeast patrol division. 
In 12.5 years with the Dallas Police Department, he was fortunate enough to work in multiple capacities, SE patrol, NE Patrol, SC Patrol, NW Patrol, Operation Disruption, Auto Theft, Vice, Narcotics Street squad, Narcotics meth lab squad, and ended his career as a “SAFE” detective.
After the events of July 7th, 2016, he evaluated what he really wanted to do “for his next 30 years” and decided law enforcement was likely not it.  Despite an amazing career, he resigned from the Dallas Police Department in January 2018.
He moved with his eventual wife to Maui, Hawaii where he was the supervisor of the welfare fraud investigations for all of Maui County. While in Maui he started a website or “blog” where he wrote articles about his experiences in law enforcement and reactions to current events as they happened. This blog has evolved and changed over the years and now primarily exists as a “Facebook page”. He says the simple goal of the page is helping and supporting officers however possible.
Whether it’s via fundraising in times of financial hardship or just a voice of support when needed and appropriate.
The motto of the page is simple: Support the good, condemn the bad, honor the fallen.
After a move from Maui to San Diego, he was offered a job in finance which has ultimately proven to be his “second calling in life” after law enforcement. He is currently in the process of building Wood Financial Consulting, a comprehensive financial practice that will help people with everything from personal finance and budgeting to planning for their retirement. He is most excited to work with law enforcement clients to improve their financial situation so they can work less and spend time doing the things in life they enjoy – not working extra jobs!
ATO Family welcome badge #8672 to the stage.
Critical Incident:
The case of Robert Sparks, who was convicted for fatally stabling his two stepsons and his wife in the Dallas home in 2007.
Sparks was executed by lethal injection on September 25, 2019.
July 7th, 2016, shooting in downtown Dallas, Texas that left 5 Officers dead and several wounded. Commonly referred to as 7/7.

Episode 78 The Officer Next Door and (Ret.) Dallas Police Chris Wood #8672

Episode 78 The Officer Next Door and (Ret.) Dallas Police Chris Wood #8672
Release Date
