Episode 70 Cedar Rapids Iowa Police Officer Matt Jenatscheck #1226: The Rolodex

Release Date:

Episode 70 Cedar Rapids Iowa Police Dept. Matt Jenatscheck
“The Rolodex”
ATO Family please welcome one of our blue family members that has traveled over 800 miles to take the stage for the listeners.
Nearly a year ago the ATO received a heartfelt message of gratitude, and it formed a new friendship many states away. This rollercoaster of a story will touch on many topics and have many emotions but when we get to the “Never Give Up on You” exit music the listener will be reminded that Police work is the same everywhere, the trauma is the same everywhere, and even trained first responders need help to survive.
In July of 2022 an incident occurred that changed the direction of this officer’s life but also reminded him of very old wounds that existed from the life of being in law enforcement for over two decades. The cumulative trauma officers endure daily can be as damaging as a rifle being leveled at you during a traffic stop and if, untreated, can weigh on you and become too much.
The weight of the badge is heavy not only for the one that wears it but also the ones they goes home to. We have seen the weight ruin relationships with family and friends and we have also seen that NO ONE is immune to the effects of this weight.
The message today will be clear: YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Here to present this story today is Joe, Kent, and the Great Dallas SWAT Operator Steve Claggett.
Todays guest is the husband to his beautiful wife Jen, father to Chloe and Hailee, and a true public servant to the state of Iowa.
Special Shout Out to Cedar Rapids Blair Klostermann as she and Matt recently won their Department’s Medal of Valor Award.
 Matt Jenatscheck the ATO stage is yours to tell us about the “Rolodex”.
Critical Incidents:
 The brutal murder of Lynnsey Donald on April 21, 2015. The suspect attacked her, as her 7 year child watched, and stabbed her to death in a parking lot. The suspect received life in prison with no parole.
Officer involved shooting in July 2022 in Cedar Rapids Iowa.
Acronyms used:
EMDR- Eye Movement Desinsitization Reprocessing

Episode 70 Cedar Rapids Iowa Police Officer Matt Jenatscheck #1226: The Rolodex

Episode 70 Cedar Rapids Iowa Police Officer Matt Jenatscheck #1226: The Rolodex
Release Date
