The latest trends in doping science and testing with Dr Matt Fedoruk. Ep #506

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On this episode of the AMSSM (T: @TheAMSSM) Sports Medcast, host Dr. Krystian Bigosinski, is joined by Dr. Matt Fedoruk, PhD, who works as the Chief Science Officer leading the Science & Research team at the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (@usantidoping).
Dr. Fedoruk served as a Featured National Speaker in the Doping in Sport session during the 2022 AMSSM Annual Meeting. In this conversation, he discusses some of the latest trends in doping science and testing and address the following topics:
· His experience as a USADA Officer during the 2022 Olympic and Paralympics Games in China, and the new testing measures that were recently put in place.
· How does WADA’s Athlete Biological Passport work, and what has its impact been on anti-doping?
· How does he view orthobiologic treatments, such as PRP and stem cell therapies, through the lens of anti-doping?
· Are gene doping technologies realistic from a physiological standpoint, or it is still the stuff of science fiction?
· How does USADA balance respect for athlete autonomy and privacy, while also performing meaningful doping control?
· How should sports medicine providers proceed when encountering athletes who might be coerced into doping programs?
· How should physicians approach care of recreational athletes when it comes to the risks and benefits of substances that may be performance-enhancers, such as testosterone?
· How does he approach being a fan of sport while working at USADA, where he often sees the best of worst of sport?

The latest trends in doping science and testing with Dr Matt Fedoruk. Ep #506

The latest trends in doping science and testing with Dr Matt Fedoruk. Ep #506
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