New Target Letter Has Trump Terrified + A Conversation with Norm Eisen

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Mea Culpa welcomes back our old friend Norm Eisen. There’s pretty much nothing going on in politics today that Eisen doesn’t have an educated opinion about. Eisen is a CNN Legal Analyst. And the founder and executive chair of “States United Democracy Center”, a nonpartisan organization advancing free, fair, and secure elections. His articles for the Brookings Institute and elsewhere have made the case for why Trump and his band of criminal conspiracists represented a clear and present danger to democracy. His latest work of art is a model prosecution memo that came just days before Trump received his target letter that lays out the case against him in startling clarity. Eisen writes that “the memo builds on the work that has been done by the Jan. 6 Committee and many others but is the first comprehensive application of the law to the facts to establish that DOJ standards for bringing charges are met. We offer an in-depth look at the vast factual record through prosecutorial eyes to describe a relatively simple three-part theory of the case that prosecutors can try to verdict in a year or less.” It’s that three-part theory that Norm is going to break down for us today. Settle in folks and get educated, you’re about to get a masterclass in how to bring down Donald Trump. 

New Target Letter Has Trump Terrified + A Conversation with Norm Eisen

New Target Letter Has Trump Terrified + A Conversation with Norm Eisen
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