Candy Corn and Gift of Self: A Christmas Special

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One of the best gifts you can give at Christmas is a gift of self.
Colin was touched by this kind of gift when he encountered a man who had little to give, but did so anyway.
His involvement with homeless ministry led Colin to develop a friendship with a man named Joseph, who stored his few possessions in a suitcase he carried with him wherever he went.
Colin’s last interaction with Joseph occured at Christmas, shortly after Joseph’s suitcase was stolen. When Joseph handed Colin a brown paper bag, he opened it to discover candy corn and sugar packets.
It wasn’t the candy corn and sugar that Colin valued, but the fact that this man, whose only possessions had just been stolen, could be so generous and thoughtful.
Strive to give someone the gift of self this year. Give your time, your prayers, or something near and dear to your heart.

Candy Corn and Gift of Self: A Christmas Special

Candy Corn and Gift of Self: A Christmas Special
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