Trusting Allah In Good And Bad Times, Convert Becomes A Muslim Mum On The Move, Holistic Health (USA

Release Date:

Episode 79:
Convert to Islam:
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Host: Christen Amer.
Guest: Lindsey Nicole.

On today's episode we speak with Lindsey Nicole, a 34-year-old American-Muslim convert since 2007, Certified Nutritionist and author, and mother of two.
Following the end of her 14 year marriage in 2018, Lindsey moved abroad with her children and has lived throughout North Africa and the Middle East since.
She uses the difficulties she has faced in life, including childhood trauma, her battle with depression and anxiety, and divorce, along with her love for both Islam and holistic health, to teach busy mothers worldwide how to balance healthy living and spirituality with their hectic lives.
Find more of Lindsey at:
About Lindsey:

Converted in Jan 2007, that's 14 years ago
34 years old
Come from America
She's a full-time world traveler, with no home base
A Holistic Nutritionist and writer
Hobbies and interests include traveling, hiking, painting, graphic design and baking
Passionate about writing (books, articles, etc) in order to inspire and empower Muslim women worldwide to strengthen their faith and become the best version of themselves
Enjoys volunteerism, particularly initiating volunteer efforts between Muslim communities and their local organizations

About the Becoming Muslim Podcast
Do you have questions about Islam? Are you looking for a new direction in life?
The Becoming Muslim podcast at is made for those who are in the midst of researching Islam. It also suits newly converted Muslims.
Our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day to day Islamic practices, Unto Islam allows for each individual to cater to their spiritual needs.

Find out:
(1) How to convert to Islam
(2) What it means to be Muslim
(3) Why Islam has helped others

As Muslims do not engage in missionary work, our site is only here to help those who want to know more about our faith and creed.

Trusting Allah In Good And Bad Times, Convert Becomes A Muslim Mum On The Move, Holistic Health (USA

Trusting Allah In Good And Bad Times, Convert Becomes A Muslim Mum On The Move, Holistic Health (USA
Release Date
