Paganism, Wicca, Being A Bondsmaid, Dark Night Of The Soul, Suicide And Converting To Islam (USA)

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Episode 59:
Convert to Islam:
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Host: Gina Marie DeBarthe.
Guest: Heather Lowry.

This is a story about one woman's spiritual journey from polytheism to Islam.
She talks about:

Coming from a small town in Louisiana, and how she is the only Muslim there (Baker, Louisiana).
Her personal decision to wear hijab and niqab.
Her spiritual growth and how she is still learning about Islam.
Her choice to convert to Islam, as she was following her heart.
New friendships and the local community.
Being in a deeply committed relationship with her partner that is platonic. They are both women.
Her conversion to Islam impacted this important relationship.
Her spiritual journey. She was raised Christian, became Wiccan, and then converted to Islam.
Being interested in Islam but was unclear how to learn more about Islam.
The guilt she carried about her brother's death in a car accident. She felt her guilt and grief lift when she accepted Islam.

About Heather:

Converted in 2020 (less than one year ago)
Age of 37 years
Comes from and lives in Louisiana
Job or expertise is as a homemaker
Her hobbies and interests are spinning yarn, crochet, and horseback riding
She is passionate about helping animals

About the Becoming Muslim Podcast
Do you have questions about Islam? Are you looking for a new direction in life?
The Becoming Muslim podcast at is made for those who are in the midst of researching Islam. It also suits newly converted Muslims.
Our podcast offers a wide variety of audible resources. From captivating stories of converts to discussions on day to day Islamic practices, Unto Islam allows for each individual to cater to their spiritual needs.

Find out:
(1) How to convert to Islam
(2) What it means to be Muslim
(3) Why Islam has helped others

As Muslims do not engage in missionary work, our site is only here to help those who want to know more about our faith and creed.

Paganism, Wicca, Being A Bondsmaid, Dark Night Of The Soul, Suicide And Converting To Islam (USA)

Paganism, Wicca, Being A Bondsmaid, Dark Night Of The Soul, Suicide And Converting To Islam (USA)
Release Date
