Prepping for Purchase Season: Rising Mortgage Interest Rates with a Referral Business – (With Matt Newman) – Episode 109

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Newman Mortgage Group's President and Founder, Matt Newman, began his career as a meteorologist. Realizing he was not fulfilled, he obtained his real estate license in 2006, survived the 2008 crash, then reevaluated his path in 2012. He joined Silverton Mortgage Specialists, Inc. as a loan officer in 2017 then opened his brokerage the same year.

Matt enjoys being a mortgage broker the most. “What I enjoy most is holding someone’s hand through the financial aspect of the transaction.” Matt advises new brokers, including those coming from retail, to “Find someone in the community that matches your style.” With rising mortgage interest rates and borrowers, “It’s all about setting up that expectation upfront.” 

Matt utilized his past client base as a real estate agent to become a 100% referral mortgage broker. A low housing inventory in the market allows Matt to compete with large mortgage companies and banks. “[You should go] at it with a heavy consultative model… it’s very critical in this market, leading to referrals.” Additionally, the listing agent is his target since he will be introduced to the buyer's agent. Many of his referrals have also come from the Brokers Are Better Facebook group. 

Hear more advice from Matt Newman now. 


1:45: Intro7:00: Creating a 100% Referral-Based Business11:50: Tackling Interest Rates on the Rise16:00: Pitching New Products18:40: What’s In My Tech Stack?29:00: Advice To New Mortgage Brokers

This episode is sponsored by UWM

Prepping for Purchase Season: Rising Mortgage Interest Rates with a Referral Business – (With Matt Newman) – Episode 109

Prepping for Purchase Season: Rising Mortgage Interest Rates with a Referral Business – (With Matt Newman) – Episode 109
Release Date
