National Science Week

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It's National Science Week! So, on News Time, we'll be counting down five of the best science stories this week from around Australia, and the world.What do gardens and robots have in common? Or koalas and flying drones? You'll find out soon!Quiz Questions1.Which chore is the robot dog helping with?2.What carried the stones to Singing Stones Beach?3.Which organisation created the D.A.R.T program?4.Why do the rangers want to know whether there are koalas in the trees? 5. Ilbandornis woodburnei is a kind of what? A) Wombat B) Bird C) Kangaroo D) MouseBonus Tricky QuestionWhat's the name of the robot dog?Answers1.Weeding2.Glacier3.NASA4.So they can safely do cultural burns5.B) BirdBonus Tricky AnswerSpot

National Science Week

National Science Week
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