Chatty crocodiles and new school names

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On today's show, we're off to the zoo! To meet a baby gorilla and his zealous zookeeper. We'll hear about a special surgery giving an Auslan speaker back their voice. Then we're headed underwater, to hear the ways that crocodiles communicate. Before learning about some new schools being named from some of Australia's oldest languages.Quiz Questions1.What is the baby gorilla's name?2.What did Tracy say it felt like when she couldn't sign properly?3.How are they going to record the crocodiles?4.Which state is introducing the new school names?5.How old did Catherina turn?Bonus Tricky QuestionWhat is the name of the disease that makes Tracy's hands sore and stiff?Answers1.Kaius2.Like losing her voice3.Hydrophones (underwater microphones), and they'll film them too4.Victoria5.111Bonus Tricky AnswerRheumatoid Arthritis

Chatty crocodiles and new school names

Chatty crocodiles and new school names
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