GOOD EVENING: The show begins in Afghanistan's eighth or more Al Qaeda training camps across the whole country. To Columbia University and the cancellation of graduation because of the threats. To Krakow and Auschwitz for March of the Living. To Hong Kong

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GOOD EVENING: The show begins in Afghanistan's eight or more Al Qaeda training camps across the whole country. To Columbia University and the cancellation of graduation because of the threats. To Krakow and Auschwitz for March of the Living. To Hong Kong and the grim prospect of a crushed culture. To Okinawa, to Bogota, Panama City, Caracas, Brasilia, Buenos Aires. To the Solomon Islands, except the holdout Malaita, as they fall to the PRC --

The preview covers a wide range of topics and locations, including:

The presence of Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan.
The cancellation of graduation at Columbia University due to threats.
The March of the Living event in Krakow and Auschwitz, Poland.
Concerns about the cultural suppression in Hong Kong.
Various cities in Latin America and the Pacific, including Okinawa, Bogota, Panama City, Caracas, Brasilia, and Buenos Aires.
The Solomon Islands, with a focus on Malaita, and their relationship with the People's Republic of China (PRC).

The preview suggests that the show will cover a diverse set of global issues, ranging from terrorism and security threats to human rights, cultural preservation, and geopolitical developments.

1878 45th Shikhs

GOOD EVENING: The show begins in Afghanistan's eighth or more Al Qaeda training camps across the whole country. To Columbia University and the cancellation of graduation because of the threats. To Krakow and Auschwitz for March of the Living. To Hong Kong

The virus returns with the snow in Northern Europe. Simon Constable @RealConstable @barronsonline @Forbes, Edinburgh
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