High-Performance Java, Or How JVector Happened

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An airhacks.fm conversation with Jonathan Ellis (@spyced) about:
Jonathan's first computer experiences with IBM PC 8086 and Thinkpad laptop with Red Hat Linux,
becoming a key contributor to Apache Cassandra and founding datastax,
starting DataStax to provide commercial support for Cassandra,
early experiences with Java, C++, and python,
discussion about the evolution of Java and its ecosystem,
the importance of vector databases for semantic search and retrieval augmented generation,
the development of JVector for high-performance vector search in Java,
the potential of integrating JVector with LangChain for Java / langchain4j and quarkus for serverless deployment,
the advantages of Java's productivity and performance for building concurrent data structures,
the shift from locally installed software to cloud-based services,
the challenges of being a manager and the benefits of taking a sabbatical to focus on creative pursuits,
the importance of separating storage and compute in cloud databases,
Cassandra's write-optimized architecture and improvements in read performance,
DataStax's investment in Apache Pulsar for stream processing,
the llama2java project for high-performance language models in Java
Jonathan Ellis on twitter: @spyced

High-Performance Java, Or How JVector Happened

Becoming an Apache Maven Committer
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